Right, so, while waiting for a collab project to finish (as well as working on more involved stuff), I made a couple things for the latest Pirate Kart thingie over on Glorious Trainwrecks. Have a look if you like short crappy games and/or camels.
I also opened a tumblr where I’ll be dumping, errr, visual experiments? (I can’t bring myself to call this art, ah ah), WIP screenshots and the occasional reblog. It’s right over there.
This small commandline tool by Andi McClure takes your png files and transforms them in interesting ways. It’s available in source form on bitbucket, you can get a ready-to-use version here, bundled with a small howto (which is reposted below; hopefully it makes sense, let me know if you have problems with it).
But first some samples of what it can do:
unglitched cubesglitched cubesskullglitched skull
Quick HOWTO:
1) Unzip the folder somewhere, you’ve probably already done this if you are reading this :). I suggest putting the folder as near as possible to the root of your hard drive. For instance, mine is in c:\tools.
2) Open a windows command prompt, it’s somewhere in your start menu. If you can’t find it, you can also launch it by pressing the Windows key and ‘R’, and typing “cmd.exe” in the box that appears.
3) Type “cd”, a space, then the full path of the badpng folder. If the path includes spaces, you have to put it between double quotes, otherwise windows will get confused. That’s where it pays to have short, space-less paths for those tools. Here’s what it looks like on my machine:
cd c:\tools\badpng
Press return and you’re inside the badpng folder.
4) Now all you have to is launch badpng with the path of your source image, and the path of the saved image. It looks like this:
If you don’t like typing, you can copy your image(s) to the folder where badpng.exe is, so you don’t have to type the entire path. It would look like this:
– You don’t have to use the “cd” command to move into the badpng folder, you can use badpng from anywhere if you type its full path so windows knows how to find it. It looks like this:
If you like ASCII art, maybe you know about JP Lebreton’s EDSCII tool, a pretty nifty ASCII art program with colours and character palettes from a variety of 8 bit machines, among other things.
Of course I had to go and add the Amstrad CPC palette and character set, you can grab them here. Unzip in your EDSCII folder, you can load them in the program like any other palette, by using the built-in commandline (TAB key) and typing “char cpc” for the cpc charset, and “pal cpc” for the cpc palette.